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Destroyed Ships Records

Combat ships
CategoriesPlayersUniversesRecordsYour Recordspercentage
Light Fighter Ventin [LoRD] u1.es 309.652.377 0 0 %
Heavy Fighter Newbie [GODS] Europa.fr 214.979.092 0 0 %
Cruiser Dracky [SAUCE] Wasat.fr 12.669.907 0 0 %
Battleship FixBugs [TMP] Merkur.ru 214.748.365 0 0 %
Battlecruiser FixBugs [TMP] Merkur.ru 199.145.144 0 0 %
Bomber Tamacti Jun [LXS] Quantum.es 861.337 0 0 %
Destroyer Obelix [GALLICS] Yildun.us 4.178.094 0 0 %
Deathstar FixBugs [TMP] Merkur.ru 68.260.241 0 0 %
Reaper Gillette [CEPHE] Tucana.tr 15.850.758 0 0 %
Pathfinder Shadowek [SNT] u68.pl 4.569.172 0 0 %

Civil ships
CategoriesPlayersUniversesRecordsYour Recordspercentage
Small Cargo The Punish3r [ALONE] Quaoar.fr 133.289.139 0 0 %
Large Cargo Newbie [GODS] Europa.fr 228.105.593 0 0 %
Colony Ship Antharas [SzO] u68.pl 667.860 0 0 %
Recycler Obelix [GALLICS] Yildun.us 17.856.087 0 0 %
Espionage Probe chironex [AdS] Yildun.de 50.938.262 0 0 %
Solar Satellite pawelos [PACZKA] Quantum.pl 14.694.048 0 0 %
Crawler Newbie [SAUCE] Wasat.fr 1.793.387 0 0 %

CategoriesPlayersUniversesRecordsYour Recordspercentage
Rocket Launcher frenetyko [1936] Quantum.es 489.977.453 0 0 %
Light Laser frenetyko [1936] Quantum.es 174.185.986 0 0 %
Heavy Laser frenetyko [1936] Quantum.es 32.143.507 0 0 %
Gauss Cannon frenetyko [1936] Quantum.es 8.386.885 0 0 %
Ion Cannon Tamacti Jun [LXS] Quantum.es 15.360.998 0 0 %
Plasma Turret Tamacti Jun [LXS] Quantum.es 6.118.155 0 0 %
Small Shield Dome pawelos [PACZKA] Quantum.pl 4.737 0 0 %
Large Shield Dome pawelos [PACZKA] Quantum.pl 4.479 0 0 %
IM GKP [ASSASSIN] u1.en 101.219 0 0 %
IPM GKP [ASSASSIN] u1.en 54.673 0 0 %

Average score: 0,0%


Date of the last update of the records: 2024-07-27 03:32:03


IPM, RIP lost, stolen DF and consumption are not counted here

Contact : vulca.topraider@gmail.com

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